Sunday, 29 April 2007

What does Record Unemployment Mean to You?

As shown by the red line on the above graph, unemployment levels in Australia are at their lowest levels in thirty years. What does this mean to you?

It means demand for talent is high. Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to find good people to work for them. The mining boom in Western Australia and Queensland is drawing workers from elsewhere in Australia (and overseas), adding to the challenge faced by employers in Sydney.

So regardless of the type of work you do, and whether or not you are actively looking for work, now is a good time to find a better job. And chances are you will be paid more, due to this shortage.

Now is a perfect time to attend a Career Workshop or talk to your Ward Employment Specialist about what you should do to take advantages of today's opportunities.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Your Chance to be Famous

If you have had a positive experience with the knowledge you have learned by attending a Career Workshop or from your Ward Employment Specialist, we would like to hear from you!

Your experience can inspire others to improve their situation by attending a Career Workshop or seeking assistance in improving their job, attending a training course to enhance their skills or seeking new opportunities.

Press the "Comments" marker at the bottom of this post to send us your experiences. Please include your contact details so we can be in touch.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

What is the Purpose of a Resume?

Your Resume has one purpose only: To get you an Interview!

Your Resume is your one chance to make an impression with a potential employer and should compel them to invite you to meet them for an interview.

Hebersham Stake and Ward Employment Specialists can help you polish your Resume so you experience great success with it. This is covered both in the Career Workshop and also a special one hour presentation on improving your Resume.

Here is just one example of how to better word your Resume . . . note the following outlines of job experience you might find in a Resume:

Example One:
Worked on the cash register at McDonald’s.

Example Two:
Provided superior customer service and increased sales while maintaining high level of cash control and reconciliation.

Both of these examples are for the same job; but clearly the for the first example it showed it was "just a job". However, the second example showed an employee who performed the same duties with far more passion! Which person do you think would be invited for an interview?

Check back shortly for a more detailed look at "How to Build a Better Resume".

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Career Workshop testimonial

Brother Lee of Doonside Ward had this experience:

"The Career Workshop was crucial for me. Not only did I learn the best resume and interview technique, but also cultural knowledge which added confidence when seeking a new job.

"Now I know what to expect in an interview and how best to respond. I can anticipate the difficult questions I may be asked in an interview and learnt how best to answer them.

"The Power Statement I formulated from the Career Workshop helped me control the interview."

Why attend a Career Workshop?

Whether you are currently employed, at school or looking for work, a Career Workshop has something for everyone. Young or old!

The goal of the Career Workshop is to help you develop the skills you need to achieve your career objectives. It takes six hours in total (which we break up into two sessions, one on a Friday night and the next the following Saturday morning) and is taught in four units:

  1. My Goals helps you evaluate your talents, interests and values; set goals; and develop a plan to achieve those goals. Your individual plan can include goals for employment, education or self-employment.

  2. My Resources helps you learn how to identify and develop the resources you need to reach your goals. It teaches you how to find employment leads, educational and self-employment funding and other community services.

  3. My Interaction with Resources helps you learn how to communicate with the resources you identified. It teaches you how to make powerful impressions in interviews and present yourself well in writing.

  4. My Continued Success teaches you how to negotiate, grow in your new position and advance in your career.

Each participant is given their own Career Workshop workbook to document their goals and ideas.

You will enjoy the opportunity to participate in this forum rich with ideas which you can use straight away to make your life better.

The schedule of Stake run Career Workshops is shown in the column to the left, but if your Ward would like their own Career Workshop before then, just talk to your Ward Employment Specialist or Bishop and it can be arranged.

Welcome to your one stop Job resource

To assist you in finding a better job, or increasing your skills, this resource is targetted for the Saints in Hebersham Stake.

Keep checking back as it will be continuously updated with useful information, training dates and locations and first-hand testimonials from Stake members.

Your feedback and input is always welcome so feel free to contact your Ward Employment Specialist, the Stake Employment Specialist or leave a comment directly.

This site is not officially affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is voluntarily operated by the Sydney Hebersham Stake Employment Specialist.