Sunday 15 April 2007

What is the Purpose of a Resume?

Your Resume has one purpose only: To get you an Interview!

Your Resume is your one chance to make an impression with a potential employer and should compel them to invite you to meet them for an interview.

Hebersham Stake and Ward Employment Specialists can help you polish your Resume so you experience great success with it. This is covered both in the Career Workshop and also a special one hour presentation on improving your Resume.

Here is just one example of how to better word your Resume . . . note the following outlines of job experience you might find in a Resume:

Example One:
Worked on the cash register at McDonald’s.

Example Two:
Provided superior customer service and increased sales while maintaining high level of cash control and reconciliation.

Both of these examples are for the same job; but clearly the for the first example it showed it was "just a job". However, the second example showed an employee who performed the same duties with far more passion! Which person do you think would be invited for an interview?

Check back shortly for a more detailed look at "How to Build a Better Resume".

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